Planning your wedding playlist can seem like a daunting task. This page will guide you through the process of finding a few special songs for specific moments at your wedding.
The First Dance
Even unconventional couples with unique weddings should consider a first dance. Sometimes it takes place immediately after the grand entrance. Other times it takes place during the salad course or immediately after. Most times, the couple will have the first dance alone, with the rest of the guests invited to join them in the middle or after their dance. With all of the excitement and celebration at a wedding, the newlywed couple is often pulled in 2-3 directions at the same time. The first dance is a time when the couple can spend a few minutes together, sharing a dance and and a few words in relative peace. I recommend a slow song for this dance. Avoid cheesy and cliche music: pick something that’s meaningful to you.

(Photo courtesy of Reiner Photography)
Dancing With Parents
Many couples choose to have a Mother/Son or Daddy/Daughter Dance. I recommend asking your parent if they would like to have this dance. They might not want to impose, but it can be a very special moment for them. I recommend allowing the parent to pick the song. These dances usually take place at some point during the meal.
Cuing Up The Toasts
Wedding toasts are a moment for friends and family to share memories, wish the couple well, and often have a little fun at their expense. Toasts can be made at the beginning, middle or end of a wedding reception. In my experience, it’s always best for the toasts to happen at the same time, rather than be spread out throughout the event. Picking a song for the beginning of the toasts acts as a cue for the toast makers to get ready for to speak. Each person can be introduced with a brief clip from a song that can play as they hand the wireless mike from one person to the next.
After The Toasts
It’s always best to have a song chosen to play after the toasts. This song should have special meaning:
- Is there a song that was part of an inside joke for the family?
- Is there a significant song from childhood? College? Dating?
Other Special Songs to Consider
- Cutting the cake. This is a “Kodak moment” and the photography staff and guests love to watch. Pick a fun song.
- Last dance. End the party with a bang!
- Tossing: Is anyone tossing anything? A bouquet? Garter? Cat?